Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Three Most Common Uses of Irony

I read "the Three Most Common Uses of Irony" by Matthew Inman. The article is from theoatmeal.com.

The main argument is to inform people about irony. The author backs this up by explaining the different types of irony. They are verbal, dramatic, and situational. He includes "inspiring annoying arguments" as a joke. He gives examples for each different type of irony. He uses cartoons to make the reading more interesting and easy to understand.

There aren't really any contrary arguments to address. The author does say that some people might not consider the examples he gave to be ironic. He brushes this off by saying that irony "depends on the storyteller, the characters, and how obnoxious the listener feels like being that day." Then he includes a comic of some people disagreeing on what is ironic.

The author uses argument by example.

I liked reading this article. It was funny. I liked how the author used verbal irony in his description of what verbal irony was. I think this is a good article to read if you need some general knowledge of what irony is or if you enjoy this type of humor.

After reading this article, I could make an argument about the effectiveness of irony.

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