Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Threat in Title IX

I read "A Threat in Title IX" by Christina Hoff. It can be found on

The main argument is that Title IX is detrimental to male athletics and will have a negative affect on the sciences.

She explained that Howard University tried to close the gap between male and female student athletes. The school ended up cutting men's wrestling and baseball and adding a women's bowling team. 

Hoff addresses the opposing viewpoint that Title IX is necessary for math and science because of sexism. She rebuffs this by saying that men and women generally have different academic interests and abilities.

She uses argument by analogy because she is comparing Title IX in sports and in academics. She also uses argument by example when she says why Title IX was bad for men's sports.

I don't know if Title IX is bad or good. I also don't know why there is a gender gap in math and science. Maybe it is because of sexism, maybe it is partially to do with sexism, or maybe it has nothing to do with sexism. I just think that it's stupid that there has to be a Title IX in the first place. If there weren't so many sexist people, then this wouldn't even be an issue. I don't understand why men and women still can't be viewed as equals. In the end, we're all just people.

After reading this, I could construct the argument that while affirmative action and programs like Title IX are meant to be good, they can have unintended consequences.

1 comment:

  1. "I just think that it's stupid that there has to be a Title IX in the first place. If there weren't so many sexist people, then this wouldn't even be an issue. I don't understand why men and women still can't be viewed as equals."

    I agree! It's tempting to just throw up our hands and say, "Can't we all just get along and play nicely?" but unfortunately, power issues in our society prevent the nice playing. Ah well, it gives us feminists something to focus on, I guess. ;o)
